Training & Development
Empowering staff with their self-development goals
At Lily, we recognise that success on our growth journey does not come easy. It requires ambition, leadership, patience and a commitment to helping our people maximise their potential.
Six training and development principles enable us to stand out from other companies in our sector.
1. Every person brings something unique to the Lily journey. We will help you to identify your personal strengths and talent and make a difference in the world of work.
2. On the Lily journey, if you are not growing, we are not growing. As we strive to deliver our ambitious growth plan, we will always support your personal development needs.
3. We want our people to be the best they can be – at work and outside of work. At Lily you will learn how to perform on-the-job and at the same time learn valuable life lessons and skills.
4. The world is constantly changing. Maximising the growth potential in the digital age is important to us. Equipping our people with the skills needed to take advantage of this exciting period in our history is a top priority at Lily.
5. Everyone wants to be part of something special. At Lily we are fully committed to developing a unique employee experience, placing training and development, personal growth, career progression and opportunity at the core of the experience
6. High-performance working underpins our day-to-day culture, approach to delivering growth and the training and development offered to everyone connected with our organisation.

Our training and development commitment to you
We are proud to offer the most comprehensive training and development package in our sector. Utilising the expertise, talent and resources of our partner and supplier base, we have something for everyone in the company.
Our training and development focus is on personal growth, setting new standards, high-performance working, job satisfaction and the customer experience.
Our commitment to you includes:
Induction and onboarding
New starters will receive a structured development programme from day one to help them settle into the company. The onboarding experience is designed to understand the Lily journey to date, future plans and the performance expectation of everyone connected with the business.
The programme includes a practical understanding of our core values - passion performance and integrity – alongside working with other new people, colleagues across the business and heads of departments.
Personal Performance Plan (PPP)
Every colleague in our business receives a personal performance plan highlighting their expected contribution and development on the Lily journey. The PPP includes their personal aspirations for the future as well as the support needed to carry out their job role effectively.
You will have the opportunity to develop your own personal performance plan so you can set goals, track progress month on month and stay motivated to keep on moving forward.
The Lily Performance Academy
The Lily Performance Academy (LPA) powered by BKSM® is a unique online hub offering personal access to a wide variety of leading-edge development and performance content.
Produced in conjunction with our business partners, supplier base and development experts, the learning content includes 100’s of videos, podcasts, factsheets and other resources designed to learn in your own time.
The BKSM®Personal Success Model
The BKSM® Personal Success Model is used in the design and delivery of the training, development and coaching of our people. BKSM® is an award-winning performance development approach created by John Stein, Founder of the Winning Formula®.
BKSM® involves assessing your own capabilities in the areas of belief, knowledge, skill and motivation so you will be able to determine how you need to develop.
The model enables our people to perform at the highest level possible, inspire change and develop ‘life-changing’ behaviours linked to their career goals and personal ambition for the future.
Leadership and Management Development
Leaders at Lily participate in a bespoke development programme linked to the business growth plans for our organisation. The programme designed in conjunction with John Stein’s Winning Formula® Performance Framework is designed to equip our leaders with the knowledge and skills required to navigate our growth journey.
The programme has proved to be invaluable in the uncertain post-covid world, where leadership, agility, adaptability and empowerment are important factors on the journey.
We recognise that great leaders do not necessarily make great leaders.
To reflect the new way of working post-covid, we have recently (June 2021) launched a new development programme for the managers across the Lily organisation.
Led by Rachel Barnes, our Head of Performance, the programme focusses on the knowledge and skills required of the high-performing manager in our sector.
Workshops, Away-Days and Company Events
Throughout the year, we run regular knowledge and skill building events covering a range of topics including leadership, team development, remote working, industry refresher courses and more.
Anyone is eligible to sign up for these workshops and you will be able to learn from people who have years of experience in their craft.
We also offer a detailed apprenticeship programme that will allow you to learn practical skills across various sectors. This includes apprenticeship roles in technical support, sales, marketing and engineering to name a few.
We have a proven track record in developing apprenticeship talent and have won awards in the process. Whether you are signed up to an apprenticeship programme or currently exploring your options, speak to us about taking an apprenticeship at Lily.
When you sign up to join the Lily journey, we expect a lot from you. In return, you should expect a great deal from us, particularly around personal growth.
We guarantee you a unique employee experience, full of benefits including the growth journey itself, career progression, reward, recognition and fun.
More importantly, we offer an opportunity for you to showcase your talent on the journey, develop your skills and maximise your own potential.
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